It was hot - 91. Despite the storm clouds it was simply a breezy humid night
The race was fast and fun. I actually came in 15th overall and 2nd in my age group with a 30:06 - good for a $25 gift certificate. We stayed for a few free Avery microbeers and met some good people
Friday evening we drove around looking at homes. We saw this guy
We also went to a small park overlooking the Xcel power company (a few blocks from our house) at dusk. You can see these two stacks from everywhere
Hud wanted to get back to his couch as we had "forced" him on a few short hikes
Today we went to the Evergreen area, a very-nice-but-not-quite-convenient-to-anywhere town 40-50 minutes west of both Denver and Boulder. We first went on a great run at Reynolds Park
This is the final weekend before the Breckenridge Half Marathon so it was nice to be at a little higher elevation (8,000') gaining 1,485' over 5.9-miles
There was even a quiz at the trailhead
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