Today CR-83 residents were allowed back into the burn area - for us back to the house that has been home for 6 weeks this summer. It was an awesome house - I was going to do a blog with pics of the 18 acre property (but our cameras were lost in fire). It was so cool. We were talking about seeing if the owner Mike was interested in selling. We found very little - at the last minute we found my wife's engagement rings
First, are images from the VRBO link we snagged and some after views:
The house was built in the 1970s. We actually met the uncle - a fellow evacuee and great guy - of the folks who built the house. Here it is from the side...

...similar angle (not exact - that big tree survived) tub...
Entering the front door...

...and today
The view from the second floor master porch...

...view today
Here are some other views of the garages (first pic) and the house:
Here is what was found in the home thus far...
We gave up on electronics. This looks like a phone
This was a small shelter. Looks like Mike's kids would come down and read here. Nothing remains
There are a number of "holes" - where trees once were (near the top of this photo). I'm not sure if the fire crews tore them out as there was a fear of burning roots
We were told this was an old mine shaft...
This was a large yurt (maybe 600 sq ft) on a wooden deck. It was about 500 yards down a hill from the house. Best we can tell the fire came from Fourmile and crossed Sunshine Canyon to CR-83 - the yurt would have been taken out as it moved towards Misty Vale Court
A shelter near the yurt
A cave - hopefully animals were able to use it as a safe place. The property was always visited by foxes and deer. Just before the fire we found bear scat
Back at where the house stood. This was a house we would see off in the distance when we sat drinking and smoking on the porch, looking out towards Boulder. Incredible how many homes had fire so close - from what we saw, this is not that close. Our neighbours lost their sheds - and that was it.
Heading up the driveway. This used to be pretty dense
We were told this was a miner's shack. The neighbours called it an illegal dwelling. Regardless - it had it's own address
Here are some shots of Sunshine Canyon, the road we took up to CR-83. It was a 10-mile road up to the historic town of Gold Hill and a favorite for bicyclist. Probably more meaningful to folks who know the area:
Bald Mountain, a place Hudson ran many times:
Very sad
Chris, your wife and your dog (Hudson): Godspeed!
ReplyDeleteWow, Chris, Maureen, Hudson - so sorry to hear this, but terrific that Hudson made it. Can't wait to hear the story.