I saw that last year only two people had broken 50 minutes so decided to go for the win. I wasn't aware that there was 750' of gain over rolling hills and came in 4th at an 8:10 pace (did not break 50)

The home purchase was delayed a week as our landlady (the seller) had to replace some pipes and had some other issues - but we are finally under contract

We got financing and locked in the rate - our broker is this guy, a former OT who played for the Steelers & Vikings

Green Mountain with Hudson Sunday morning - his 12th summit!

Finally did South Boulder Peak today with Leadville Chuck and a buddy of his, Woody. I wondered how Woody - a marathoner who qualified for Boston but doesn't really run trails - would do. He kicked our ass and made it to the summit 8 minutes before we did. Anyways, had read it was a 6.7 miles RT with 3,000' - the gain was right but it ended up being 9 miles as Homestead & Towhee have been re-routed (seems pretty permanent)
Damage from last year's fire

Summit views

Hopefully will be heading up to Fairplay next week for Burro Days...