Final sunset in New Mexico

Hudson and some Santa Fe buddies

The last week in Eldorado was really hot - 90F in the early evening. We drove around to cool down as they don't seem to believe in air conditioning. Hud loved it as he thinks anything over 60F is warm

We had some baby birds living on our back porch. The parents worked non-stop bringing them grasshoppers and other such yummy things

On the drive to Boulder Saturday we took US-285. Just north of Alamosa we stopped at the UFO Watchtower - a hot-spot to see UFOs

Stormy weather between Salida and Como - one of the most scenic stretches of driving anywhere

It is good to be back in Boulder. Pics from random runs

I was going to take today off for a celebratory Canada Day mountain run, but the back was sore - the usual, not enough stretching or core work. Hope to be OK for July 4th - already signed up for a 4K just up the road at Avery brewery followed by free beer