On the way up stopped off in Nederland for the Eldora 10K - a tough little course at 9,200' with 950' of gain. 53:34 for 26th / 151

Sunday took Hudson out for one of our favourite runs; the trail to Silverheels at 11,500'

Hummingbirds are always in great numbers in Park County

Our favourite time of the Burro race is when everyone is getting ready

We caught this guy eating his person's race bib

Finally got to meet the Champs, George Zack (in the black hat) and Jack

The race begins...

The full two-and-a-half minute movie of the start on Main Street
On the course where it turns onto Mosquito Pass Road

Burro racing legend Curtis Imrie

The leaders for the short course (15 miles) coming back for the final stretch

Now that we'll be settling in Colorado it's time to find a burro and start training for 2014...