We were running for a decent time so no new pics of the first 2.1 miles / 1,150' of the ascent (trailhead to the mining ruins - see link below)
We made it to the mine in about 40 minutes and headed up - views were awesome
The peak came into view
This is Arapaho Glacier - where Boulder gets it's water
Half a mile and 700' from the summit. WTF?
There was a 10-minute stretch where I thought about turning around. Paralyzed with fear of heights at 12,900' HAHAHA - not good times. Leadville Chuck led the way finding the "easiest" route. Shortly after one false summit we had made it. HAHAHA!
Close up of Long's Peak and its shorter twin Meeker
Mandatory summit pics
Back down took a few final pics of the glacier and the summit
Round trip was 8.9-miles and 3,295' in 4h06m
Insanely cool...got to be in great shape to do this, awesome!!!