This was the 2-3 seconds that he actually swam
This dog jumped off the diving board maybe 8 times
Friday we looked at 3 homes. All were good
This one is somewhat near where we are staying now (great locaton). We had low expectations but were curious enough to check it out. It turned out to be pretty cool with a great view
This one, Friday was our 2nd visit. We are thinking about it but not prepared to make an offer yet. The caboose is not included
The final house is 0.6-miles up Fourmile Canyon. It is probably too small and definitely overpriced but really cool. You need to cross the foot or car bridge over the creek
Later in the day we ran / hiked Green Mountain. It was a great fall day. We went up Saddle Rock and came down Ranger / Gregroy
Boulder from maybe 700' up
The summit
On top of this is a metallic plate with little points identifying what mountains you are able to see. The little "cap" holds rolled up papers so people can sign and date when they reached the summit
Looking Northwest
Looking East
This looked like a regular plant at first but it's hundreds of ladybugs - there were thousands on the summit
Views on the way down
Deer leg in tree (???)
Milk snake (harmless)
After a light rain as we ended our hike we saw this rainbow on the drive home
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