The Byway is 28-miles long with the additional 14 miles between Mount Evans road and I-70. Foliage is awesome right now
The final 5.4 miles to the summit has been closed for a month now - which is great if you want to run to the summit. We parked under the peak at Summit Lake
It was a sunny cool day and very quiet with no vehicles
Mount Bierstadt - a 14'er just 1.5-miles away. It is considered an easy 14'er so we may try it in the next few weeks
Grays and Torreys - a pair of 14'ers Leadville Chuck wants to do next week
The approach. A parking lot for when the entire road is open and a University of Denver optical observatory (third highest in the world)
The summit is another 1/4 mile and an easy 300'
Obviously a "controversial" 14'er for the pure. We're taking credit and claiming it as our 2nd 14'er
The views are spectacular - although not as spectacular as either Quandary or South Arapaho. Maybe the sun was too bright
Saw critters on the run back. Mountain goat
We hustled down best we could as there were a few stormy clouds but the pavement took a toll. We're used to dirt trails or packed gravel. It was more of a slow steady jog
Back at the car. No storm
The road is very sketchy to drive at times - no guardrails and steep drop-offs
The drive back to I-70. Plenty of folks pulled over taking pics