Headed out I-25N and swung through Fort Collins on US-287

Then it was 340 miles on I-80 in Wyoming

Wyoming has little traffic and is 75 MPH the whole way. Only problem - these signs have been up the 3 years we've been travelling and generally for good reason

After 200 miles the "Check Engine" light came on. Shit. All seemed ok and it turned off 300 miles later

Billboards on I-80 try to get you excited for Little America for 100 miles. Little America is actually a town with a population of 68. Despite a median household income of $18K no one is below the poverty line

Spent the night in Utah

Sunday headed out solo - Maureen & Hudson stayed with her Dad a few nights. 1st stop a gas station with a sense of humor and powerful winds




It was sunny through most of Oregon and Washington - until I hit I-90. By the time I hit Snoqualmie Pass in the dark it was raining with fog and standing water. Yuck
It's great being back - yesterday we got up to Snohomish, did a lap of Green Lake with Hudson and hit the Burke-Gilman trail. It also sucks after sunny Boulder: