On Thanksgiving Maureen and I did Green Mountain from Flagstaff Road. It was pretty crowded but people were in good moods and friendly. A traditional dinner after - a little real turkey for Hudson and soy turkey for me

Friday morning we sat around debating about going to windy Long's Peak and eventually decided on Golden Gate State Park less than an hour away. We had always wanted to check it out and it is an excellent place
We decided on the Mule Deer loop - 7.4 miles. Somehow made it into 11.7 miles and still not sure how to do a complete loop without getting on other trails. Still - didn't get lost which I had read was possible. I used both my GPS apps and while they are close on mileage they vary wildly on elevation gain - MapMyRun said 1,100' and Strava said 1,800'. Not that it matters - they're both free

Using the telescope from Panorama Point looking - I think - at the Indian Peaks

Yet another cool sunset in Boulder. Will not see these in Seattle

Finished off the week with drinks with our friend Jill. Festive egg nog and whiskey