We started at the Quandary Peak trail head and followed the bright green line as if we were heading to the summit - but turned left on Wheeler Trail. We then took a right on the first road and goofed around on both sides of the first lake and then ran to the dam (second lake). Round trip was maybe 5.1-miles with 1,250' of elevation gain, and a top elevation of 11,750'

On another section of this area a few miles away on McCullough Gulch Road was the other "portal". I can't find anything on what this is - one person thought it was "part of a water diversion project from the Pacific side to the Atlantic side" (the Continental Divide is about a mile away)
Not sure if this mining history or just an old house in disrepair
I can find no record of a Corona Placer - and this was not at 11,775 (maybe 300'-400' lower)
Random sights
Hud in the snow with a great stick
Looking at the dam (up high)
Hud possibly impressed with the views
The dam. I tried to find why this is for Colorado Springs. No luck. Actually not much luck researching this Blue Lake area (other than it was a mining area)
Heading back
Back on Wheeler Trail. An old mining shack?
??? - in the middle of the woods
Hud was equally puzzled
The Blue Lakes area was such a cool area I took Maureen there (in the car) on the way to Alma & Fairplay
I hadn't noticed all the mining ruins and remnants
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