View from just off Rattlesnake Gulch Trail in Eldorado State Park

We came up to Breckenridge Tuesday. I shouldn't have complained about the snow in Boulder. Had thought we could train by running up Quandary Peak. HAHAHAHA!

McCullough Gulch Road. Not many people have been up lately.

Boreas Pass. Had hoped to make it to the water tank but began post-holing after 2.5 miles

Went up to Frisco today to run part of the 29-mile bike path that goes from Breckenridge to Vail

Tonight we were able to watch the CBC feed of the Toronto-Boston Game 5. Lost a beer-and-shot during Game 4 to my old goaltending partner who's now a successful doctor in Boston. Did get an invite to Toronto if they make it to the finals from a couple of old teammates. Hockey is great...