...but only a light dusting of snow

Up in the Sandias there was a little more and we "broke trail"

Maureen was not pleased with the cold and occasional strong winds. We had planned to run 90 minutes then turn around so we would be back at the car at the same time. I left her messages in the snow such as mile markers. On the way back I came across this - someone had turned back a little early

Today ran on the streets from the markets to East Alameda and Canyon Road

Running the streets of Santa Fe is a great way to see things you'd miss in a car, especially with all the alleys

Like this bridge where Klaus Fuchs gave nuclear secrets from his work in Los Alamos to the Russians

Wandered around the Canyon Road arts district - with over 100 artists and 97 of them out of our price range

Rock, Paper, Scissors

In Fantasy Hockey, The Santa Fe Sweet Leafs acquired the legendary Steve Ott. Welcome to the 2013 Champs, Steve