Here in the neighbourhood is a great set of trails - the Redmond Watershed. Maybe 10-15 miles of wooded trails

30 minutes away in Monroe is the Lord Hill trail system. This was Hud's favorite place when we lived in the area. Saturday he even saw two old buddies - Lonnie & Bear

Hud at a dog park in Issaquah

I was excited to run on the Iron Horse trail - an old railway line that is over 100 miles long. Sadly the 7 miles I ran was rather repetitive as far as views. The trail was awesome - smooth - but boring

Mt Si - something I want to do before we head out. Over 4,000' of gain in 4 miles

Found an outstanding trail here in Redmond - the 14 mile Tolt Pipeline trail. Ran it on a sunny cold Sunday. Everyone was happy with the sun. 9 fun miles

Went to an ENT specialist yesterday. Essentially the answer was "your hearing is great but nothing we can do about those noises - hope they go away and don't worry about it"
And then thye gave me this pamphlet with an 80-year old on it. Thanks

At least Hudson had all good news yesterday when he visited the dentist. Even said he was "great" to work with