Christmas Eve was a good time - whiskey, wine, etc. We decided last minute to exchange a few gifts - and used some ugly wrapping paper

Hudson with his new toy

Christmas Day brought stormy weather and a power outage. We drove into Sooke to see if anyone had power and if anything was open. As we drove through Otter Bay we saw a tree that had caught fire from a power line. Let the homeowner know - he wasn't phased. Probably because it's so wet in the Pacific Northwest...
We've been doing a lot of hikes and runs
China Beach has been a favorite of ours for years - a hike through rainforest to a relatively sandy beach when not high tide (which it was on this day)

Sandcut Beach now has a trailhead along West Coast Road (14)

This otter stalked us a little to make sure we - especially Hudson - left so it could come on shore

East Sooke Park is a fantastic area - 50 km of trails through rainforest along the Strait of Juan de Fuca

French Beach is within walking distance from the house