We realized Friday night that Waldorf Road may be too rough for our car so changed plans to 13,146' Mount Flora from Berthoud Pass. Need to look at OHVs

Looking towards Winter Park
Nice single track that was slippery mud on the way back as it "warmed up"
This run suggestion came from "Best Hikes with Dogs" and said it was 5 miles RT. After 2.5 miles I was standing on something. The book mentioned a false summit. Looked around and decided to head across to what I assumed was Mount Flora but did a quick look - coverage. A quick internet search showed me where I was about to go was actually Breckenridge Peak
Got back on the trail and 15 minutes later was on the summit. It is more like 7 miles RT. Views are excellent

I am happy - I was eating a bar

A fun run. Unfortunately Maureen had turned around close to the summit not feeling well - probably assuming it was only going to get colder and windier...