Haha! Just kidding - that's the great Mikka Kipprusoff of the Calgary Flames (with Dion Phanuef, now the captain of Toronto). Mikka is one of the stars on my 1st place Fantasy Hockey Team. This is a great photo. "Hey, Dion, what's the stripper saying?" Hahaha!
Particularly excellent sunrise last weekend

Sunday we went to White Rocks in Golden. This Front Range area is amazing for trails

Particularly excellent sunset this week. I should really plan on being on top a mountain some evening with a camera. It goes so quickly - lasts minutes (from the porch)

We did get 12" - 16" of snow overnight and this morning

Kind of disappointed - so many trails had become dry and clear. On the plus side, the flatirons had become a disaster - dangerous icy patches but not enough to have microspikes on. Now, with all the snow one could wear microspikes the entire time

The only problem is that today there sure was a lot of snow not yet packed down (poor showing by all those "elite" runners). The snow was sand-like as well. Still, a good time and came across a few folks

The only other update is we are heading to Seattle for TBD at the end of the month with the usual stop in Utah. Maybe have a few pints