Win lottery
Buy a house
Be in B.C. in June to celebrate the Vancouver Canucks Stanley Cup

Chris > 2,000
Hudson > 500
Last year I did 1,180 and Hudson did 332. However, this year we are already at 488 and 171 respectively. That's right - Hudson is 34% to his goal with only 25% gone. However, he is not a hot weather runner and hot to him is 60 degrees or above. As you can see below in Santa Fe this past July

Elevation Gain
Chris > 50 miles (> 264,000')
Did not keep track last year and will not keep track for Hudson. This year at 72,388' so far - on track
"Race PRs" (Goal / Current)
5K = 19:59 / 21:15
10K = 39:59 / 42:37
Half Marathon = 1:39:59 / 1:42:25
It's all relative. I could - if needed - drive to Seattle for a better shot at these. And maybe I will
Run "PRs" (Goal / Current)
1-mile = 5:59 / 6:36
Last attempt at this PR I injured myself. Clap clap clap
Green 5.3M 2,344' (Saddle/Sign/Gregory) = 69:59 / 75:16
Bear 5.6M 2,381' = 1:59:59 / 2:25:12
Mt Sanitas Ascent 1.4M 1,357' = 19:59 / ?
Mt Sanitas 3.4M 1,357' (clockwise) = 39:59 / 45:57
Boulder Creek Trail 4.5M 333' = 34:59 / 36:07
Doudy Draw Trail 6.8M 560' = 50:59 / 56:46
16 Races
2 > Half Marathon
Race 1 is tomorrow is a 10K in Colorado Springs
Some good candidates for the races longer than 13.1-miles include Collegiaate Peaks (25-miles) in late April (unlikely), Greenland Trail (25-km) in early May and Imogene Pass (17.1-miles) in September. I would add Mount Evans Ascent, a 14-mile road race, but I'll be busy in Vancouver celebrating
5 > 13,000' (with 2 > 14,000')
1+ Mountain Pass
I would love to say more but these are all day commitments. Last year did 2 14'ers (Quandary and Evans) and 2 13'ers (South Arapaho and Audubon). No mountain passes. I'd love to do either Buchanan Pass or Boreas Pass. There are a couple of cool looking ones near Georgetown as well
100 Sit-ups
100 Push-ups
At one time, not in total. These are to strengthen my "core" to minimize injuries. 2010 and 2011 were generally injury free aside from this Thanksgiving and December (2 hamstrings, back, shoulder). More important is stretching / flexibility / yoga. I guess I could add "10,000 minutes of stretching" but I'll skip

Ass Kicking of Mountain Biker
A 6-pack has been bet for a race versus Dan at Walker Ranch. Never run it yet but it is a 7.6-mile loop with 940'