Gary the CEO of the start-up was in Denver and I survived my first beers since I quit smoking 800 hours ago. I also survived a rash of dealing with idiots at AT&T by going for several long runs - including one into the Flatirons where I saw a deer leg. I assumed a mountain lion took the rest and spent the next mile or two wondering why more trail runners don't get attacked
Here is sunset over the Flatirons from the house we are renting - which is for sale and is a (remote) possibility
I was going to run a 10K in Leadville today, but had signed up before committing to running some of the Leadville 100 with my buddy Chuck next weekend. Given Leadville is 3 hours away (and apparently a 5-6 hour drive back on Sundays as folks return from the mountains to Denver) I decided to skip
My August race plans (made in July during the first few days of quitting smoking) were at risk of falling apart - my Eldora 10K time was not good given I got lost and now no Leadville 10K. To salvage things I decided on Friday to run the "Georgetown-to-Idaho Springs Half Marathon" on Saturday
Registration was at 5:30am in Idaho Springs. I set the alarm for 4:15am (since it was a 50-minute drive). I woke up at 3:15am and decided to just get up. The drive was dark but mellow
The finish was in Idaho Springs and the start in Georgetown, 11.5-miles away up I-70. Buses took folks to Georgetown (elevation 8,530') and I was dropped off at 6:20am. It was COLD (46F) and BREEZY and there were 100 minutes until the start
After shivering for over an hour the sun was hot enough by mile 3 to go shirtless. It was a very fast course - Idaho Springs is at 7,526' and the 1,000' of downhill was incredibly consistent and very gradual. I ran a 1:42:25 - good for 326th out of 2,527 (and 7 minutes faster than my previous best). Here is the finisher t-shirt
Later in the day we cruised around Boulder on a hazy day looking at homes. We came across several deer, obviously...
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