20-minutes of sprints with his buddies and he is done

After dropping him at home I went out for a run. It was too late for the Rail Trail (sunburn) so ran around the streets of Santa Fe (shaded)
"Santa Fe Run Around" is actually the name of an annual race, which we did in 2010. Here is my race pic. HAHAHA! Look at me, all dressed in black. HAHAHA!
Today was a casual 6.8-mile run with maybe 450' of elevation gain. Elevation gain is needed since it's 49 days until the Breckenridge Half Marathon, with 3,011' of gain and peaking out at 12,475'
The start at St. John's College, a very cool sounding liberal arts college
Heading down Canyon Road - an old part of town that went from dirty booze and brothels to upscale arts. Both are good
Next on over to the Cross of the Martyrs (see the cross on the hill). Good views of the city and beyond on less hazy days
Randomly around downtown
Then final 1.5-miles uphill on the Santa Fe Trail
This guy is bigger than the lizards that run along side me on the Rail Trail
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