Not much to say on the not smoking - it has gone extremely well aside from minor sleep issues the first few days. It helps that it is over 90 degrees every day and I have a number of bets that I can / can't go 6 months; $500 cash, $100 bottle of whiskey, accelerated stock vesting at my start up, a night of drinking in Denver / Boulder and a Smoothie
Here are some pics of lightning from Sunday (night) and Monday (day)
A close-up of the above lightning
Lightning is almost horizontal to the right
The haunting. The other night I was hearing noises upstairs. I thought "WTF" and got up. The light was on upstairs - since Maureen left and I quit smoking no one goes up there. I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed two knives, whistled for Hud and we ran upstairs. Nothing - except the ceiling fan was going full speed
A few days later I was on the phone with the start-up CEO, Gary, and I clearly heard a woman's voice about 15 feet behind me. I'm in rural Santa Fe - the house is on acreage. Gary asked if that was a side-effect of quitting smoking
Running has never been better. In the 6+ weeks since we returned to CO & NM (from the pain of Vancouver) I've averaged 31.4-miles per week with 1,701' elevation gain. My "friend" in Denver, however, sent me an e-mail today saying: "42-miles in 2.5 days"
In 24 days he's doing the Leadville 100 (100-miles with 15,600' elevation gain - must finish in 30 hours). I'll be pacing (you can have people run with you over the final 50-miles) from mile 50 to mile 60.5 (maybe 2,500' elevation gain over that stretch, Hagerman Pass). I'm pretty excited actually. His goal is 29.5-hours
Here are some pics of the trails about 5 minutes from the house here in Santa Fe. Built for mountain biking but open to all. Hud has had some good runs here too
Another fun sunset