22 Jan 2011

Day Trip to Chimayo and Taos

We headed up to Chimayo and Taos for the day. First we drove through Tesuque where we had stayed for 5 weeks last year

The art on the bridges and noise retaining walls on Highway 84 north of Santa Fe

One of the several casinos

We went to Chimayo specifically to get some more mystical dirt with healing properties:


Chimayo once had a bad drug scene, including heroin distribution. When we first came to Santa Fe last Easter we saw the pilgrimage over 3 days heading to the church, people walking many miles along this road

Santuario de Chimayó

After spending some time, getting some dirt and lighting a candle for Maureen's old college roommate who recently died, we headed to Taos

The 3 of us went for a run along the Rio Grande

After a good run, a great meal and some shopping we headed back to Santa Fe. Here is Blake's Lottaburgers welcoming us back on our way through Espanola

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