On October 25th we had a snow storm and celebrated our 7th anniversary
On our final Saturday (Maureen's birthday) we went to our neighbours (who also own our house) and had a fun night of beers and shots. Earlier that day we had run the Blue Lakes one last time. It's a tough run - 4.2-miles round trip with maybe 900' of elevation gain
This is a Pika. It lives in the scree
One of the Blue Lakes almost ready for skating
The next day we went for a walk on a County Road in Alma - County Roads don't seem to ever be paved. Included were some old mining areas (although this looks pretty new)
So Mosquito Gulch - it is the destination for the Fairplay World Championship Pack-Burro Race. 29-miles and several thousand feet of elevation - both you and your burro. Maybe that will be my big race next year
Alma folk getting ready for Halloween...
We also saw a black fox outside our house. Supposedly rare
We also ran McCullough Gulch Road two final times. Such a good run for Hudson to be off-leash
No idea whose tracks these are - if anyone knows we'd love to know
Our last day - Friday - we went to Boulder one last time. This is a mining area along I-70
And - obviously - a pumpkin painted on the rocks by a waterfall across from Idaho Springs
Next up are the usual random pics from our 1,300 mile drive back to Redmond, WA
Did you hear the Pika's call? First time I saw one the noise it made freaked me out - sounded like one of those high-pitched squeaky toys.