This big boy lived a few houses up from us in Taos (a few houses was half a mile). His favorite toy was a duck and he never moved for us - we had to go off-roading to get around him. One day we saw him in Arroyo Seco about 3 miles away, just wandering about...
These two - also on our "street" - guarded sheep. They would run up every time we drove by, at first barking rather meanly. They escaped, one day, and came all the way up to our house (we were the last house on the street before the road disappeared into the mountains). After hanging at our house a few minutes they continued off up into the mountains. From then on they were much more pleasant and instead of barking seemed to be jumping up to look for Hudson.
And this is Lucky, Hudson's Santa Fe buddy. He came over one day and he and Hud hung out a few hours, including several bursts of sprints
Hopefully Hudson will get to hang with Walter Kirk, his old Seattle pal. Walter moved to Denver and we'll be in Boulder for 10 nights in June...
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