Still, great times here in Sooke (maybe 35 minutes from Victoria)
The rain has stopped enough to get some good runs in. We are a mere 3 minute run from an entrance to the Galloping Goose, a 55km old rail line now a trail. It's helped me get off to a decent start for my 2010 goal of running 1,000 miles; now at 35 miles as of January 15th
Here is the trail where we access it most days. The first pic is the way I go if Hudson is with me and the 2nd is if I'm going myself
Below is sunrise from our kitchen
So far two highlights here.
First, I ran a race Sunday, the Prairie Inn Pioneer 8K ( I ran a fast race, for me. I didn't win. I came in 365th
Second, Maureen found an auction in Victoria and we did good. Mostly we bought art from an art house that went bankrupt. The company's info/price tags came along...
This first paining, rather large (maybe 36" x 16") was retail $1,750 and we bought it for $80
This one was retail $695 and we got for $50
These two are actually originals and were retail $590 combined and we got them for $50 (pic is fuzzy)
It was an excellent time and we spent maybe $500 with the auction house's 20% premium and taxes
Today Maureen was running around and Sooke - there is only one road to this part of the island - was temporarily cut-off due to this accident
We head to Seattle Tuesday for the dentist and a hockey game (me) before coming back for the rest of the month...
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