The Hud loves the snow...
Our house is awesome, off the beaten path half way between Taos and Taos Ski Valley. Below is the dirt road to our house, which we take 1.2 miles to the end.
Here are some of the many horses on Taos Pueblo land (the 1,900 Taos Pueblo have 95,000 acres). These two are about 2.5 miles away from our house. The Taos Pueblo have an interesting history, having been fairly successful in battle.
This sunset was taken a little further up the mountain towards Taos Ski Valley. It opened today (Thanksgiving) but we'll probably wait another week or two to start skiing
This has been a great few weeks for running, having run 13 times during the 12 days (6 times with the Hud). After running on our dirt road the first two days we found the West Rim Trail next to the Rio Grande. The trail head is just on the other side of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge (apparently haunted:
The water level is pretty low right now and freezes overnight. While it has been clear, sunny and about 55-degrees each day, it gets very cold at night (as low as 9-degrees)
Below are other excellent views along the trail...
And here is a lone runner running the trail...hard to see in the first photo but she is there, blending in with the sagebrush...
We also did a quick visit to the earthship community just past the Gorge Bridge:
These homes seem to have a real estate agent specializing in them. Fun website:
On the drive from Taos to our home we pass an art exhibit (or museum) and the sign says "The Art of Stupid"
My favorite image not quite captured in photo yet is a cemetery just outside of Taos. Will try to get better pics, but it is very colorful and people put in great efforts - the below doesn't do it justice