Here are some pictures of the scenery along the way up north to Alma:

Alma is the second highest incorporated municipality in the US at 10,578ft and they are very proud of it. We are staying here as it is a more affordable option than staying in Breckenridge itself. Alma is about 16 miles south of Breckenridge via a no-doubt very sketchy drive in the winter over Hoosier Pass:

Below is a picture of where our place is, to the right of the unpaved road on the right. On Saturday I took Hudson out for a 15-minute run along the road. We met up and ran with George, who lived about half a mile away and was from Chicago. I guess George is 50 and runs 10-miles 3 times each week.

Breckenridge is very cool and somewhat active in the summer. Here are a few pics of the views from town:

There is a trail from Breckenridge to Vail, 23-miles away. On Sunday I ran 4 miles on it and was jazzed about doing a longer run Tuesday. A stream ran alongside and it was slightly hilly with non-stop views of the Rocky Mountains.
My plan was to get up early Tuesday, make some coffee, drive to Breckenridge, run 9 miles and come back before my first call (with my boss and my boss's boss). Unfortunately I had trouble sleeping Monday night, getting maybe 4 and a half hours. At 5:30am I made coffee and took Hudson out for a walk. Still groggy, I came back and poured the pot of coffee all over my hand, prompting the Missus to ask if the scalding hot coffee hurt. Eventually I mentally woke up and by 7am I started the run. I think it was about 35 degrees and I could see my breath, bringing back good memories of Ontario.
There was some construction going on that I passed near the beginning (and end) of the run -- I find it interesting that folks who work in road construction consistently seem much happier at their jobs than those of us who make a lot more money in corporate gigs. I have no idea what this means - maybe I should become a flagger?
Anyways, we're here until Monday morning. After that it's out East...
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