The wife wasn't able to run this year (but did take the free beer). She was ready to take this photo of me at the finish

Sunrise driving up Flagstaff

Hudson did his 14th & 15th Green summits this weekend. He also chased a wild turkey (which is not good, but the turkey easily got away)

Went up to Rollinsville today and ran from the East Portal TH to Rogers Pass. 11.5 miles RT with 2,700' - which seems like nothing on this major race weekend in the area - the Leadville 100 (100 miles with 18,000') and the Pike's Peak Marathon (26.2 miles with 7,600')
Driving in off the Peak-to-Peak highway

The Moffat Tunnel - an interesting part of Colorado's early history. David Moffat was an industrialist and railway man. The tunnel cost $24M back in the 1920s ($318M in 2013 dollars). 28 people died building it

Rogers Pass Lake

The final push up the Pass. This last section was a half mile and hard. The grade was generally over 20% and as steep as 30%. I saw an older lady and her dog coming's impossible to brag in Colorado

The Pass. The sign seems a tad battered - was hoping for something more photogenic

Views. The final pic is looking down at Winter Park

If we do close on the house, it will be the end of this blog. We started it to have a record of what was going to be a 6-month cross-country trip that has now gone on for 4 years now - although the past 2 years has been spent mostly in Colorado, New Mexico or Seattle. It was also a fun way for our parents and friends to follow along
With trail running we see some amazing places but the iPhone camera doesn't quite capture what we see. We'll probably start a photo blog when we get a better camera. Plus, without this blog we would have lost all photos from the first year since we lost both cameras in the fire. It's a nice back-up system