Headed up Squaw Pass Road to do a couple of easy summits in the Evergreen / Idaho Springs area
Parked above what I assumed was a private ski area and was excited to see how much to join - but it is only for training kids. Used to be
public and fun until it closed in the 1970s. Someone bought it for $700K 7 years ago
First up - Chief Mountain at 11,709'
Not an epic looking summit...
Next up was that - 11,486' Squaw Mountain
The Fire Lookout - was in use until the 1980s and it looks like you can
rent it for $80 a night starting next year
Despite all this equipment - no cell service. Which is fine, just ironic
Looking down at Idaho Springs and all the mining scars to the north
A lazy 8 miles with 2,100' of gain